Employers will look for employees with skills to drive their business forward. The future business will engage in three major criteria namely innovation ,ESG and value add. Experienced employees should have retention qualities and also practice capabilities. Practice is gained through repeated performance in the job whilst retention is the ability to retain and recall knowledge on the job. We can also add improvisation as an employee skill set Be able to handle situations which are unfamiliar. Improvisation skills are completed in a practical way. Empathy is so important for leadership roles. There is a failure of groups to look at things from the point of view of other people. Be able to stand in the shoes of others to understand their intentions and situation.
So what are the untapped qualities of employees. Some employees would be thinkers and would complete (doing) the task. Others may not think but have a form of knowledge that allows them to act without consciously reflecting upon what we (they) know. Being able to reduce fear (anger) in the workforce will relieve emotion in the workforce. Taking the emotion out of the workplace is the key to focus and thinking of the facts of workplace matter.